Lavender Tallow Balm


Lavender Tallow Balm


Deeply nourishing and hydrating body balm made with grass fed tallow and whole plant oil infusion of lavender, chamomile and calendula. The skin loving herbs used in this formula are organic and grown in our garden. Tallow is known for its ability to mimic the natural oils of our skin. Leaves skin soft and velvety. Absorbs quickly, without clogging pores. A little goes a long way, start with a small amount.

**I use essential oils very sparingly and responsibly. Lightly scented with lavender essential oil (small amount of 2% ratio)

4 ounce jar

Can be used on all skin types. Spot test first if you tend to have sensitive skin.

All the herbs used in our formulas are either homegrown, wild harvested or sourced from local Michigan farms. Made in a home kitchen that has not been inspected by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

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